Terms of Use


This is our site wide Terms of Use that pertains to, but not limited to, this website and how you may use it, the products and services we offer and how we may do business.

This does not cover our Return and Refund policy which can be found here: https://www.4lockedoffroad.com/returns/

This does not cover our Warranty policies. Products that come with any form of warranty whether full or partial will be detailed on each product’s page in our online shop.

We’re committed to providing exceptional customer service and experience. If you have any questions about our Terms of Use policy please reach out to support@4lockedoffroad.com. We’ll always try within reason to accommodate your situation on a case by case basis.

Coupon / Discount / Promo “Codes”

Henceforth referred to as Coupon Codes or simply “Coupon“.

Coupon Labels

While we strive for consistency we’re just human and sometimes we miss stuff.

The following applies to anywhere we may mention our Coupons.

  • We may use a label other than “Coupon” or “Coupon Code” when referring to Coupons. Regardless if they are Coupons for our business or a third party.
  • We may not use a label at all when referring to a Coupon. This typically appears on printed media like cards due to the limited printing space on the media. An example of how this may occur (but not guaranteed to occur exactly as is worded in this example) is as follows: Use AWESOME123 at checkout

The Coupon labels we already use or may use in the future may change at any time without warning.

Coupon Mediums

A non-exhaustive list of some places we may mention or share our Coupon Codes includes, but is not limited to:

  • Our website, ecommerce shop, blog, cart & checkout, invoices and other mediums whether physical, virtual or digital.
  • Any third party website we use to offer our services and do business. This includes but is not limited to Stripe, USPS, WooCommerce, etc.
  • Any third party website, app, platform or social media we use to offer, market and share our products and services. This includes, but is not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc.
  • Any printed, virtual or digital media. This includes, but is not limited to: Cards, Emails, Newsletters, Graphics, Reels, Stories, Posts, etc.
  • Any videos we may make whether public or private.

The list of mediums we may use for Coupons may change at any time without warning.

Coupon Expiration

Coupons typically have a expiration date configured in our website. When we market our Coupons we strive to communicate clearly when it expires (if it expires at all). However this is not always possible due to the size and space constraints of where the Coupon is printed or shown whether physically or digitally (for example business cards).

Coupon expiration dates are typically in PST or UTC and not guaranteed to be in your local timezone.

If a Coupon does not show an expiration date on the medium (see Coupon Mediums) the expiration date as configured into our website takes precedence.

Coupon expiration dates may change at any time without warning.

Coupon Eligibility

We can’t guarantee that the Coupon you are trying to redeem is eligible at the time and place of redemption or for the product or service you’re trying to redeem it for.

Coupon eligibility may change at any time without warning.

Need help?

Contact us at support@4lockedoffroad.com for questions related to our Terms of Use.

Effective date of this Terms of Use Policy is January 18th, 2023.